In English

Nykytaide Roomassa - kuraattori Ludovico Pratesin mukana Roomassa

Vibrant contemporary art scene in Rome

The scene of contemporary art in Rome is quite vibrant, even if the economical crisis has reduced the activities, but we have still many places to visit .We can start our journey from museums: MAXXI is the italian national museum for contemporary art and architecture , with exibitions of different range and value. The second museum, called MACRO, is owned by the city of Rome: his programs are more classical in the main site of via Nizza, but more open to new young international art in Testaccio, a former slaughter house that hosts international shows.The third museumjk is Galleria Nazionale d´Arte Moderna, with a great collection of italian and international art of XX century, with some interesting historical shows.Together with the public museums there are also 4 private foundations, that hosts exibitions curated by international and national curators.If Fondazione Giuliani, in Testaccio, is more devoted to international art like Nomas Foundation. Fondazione Volume in Trastevere and fondazione Cerere, in San Lorenzo, are promoting italian artists of different generations. Rome hosts also an interestings number of private galleries: the most updated for new contemporary artists are Monitor, Federica Schiavo and T293, but Magazzino, Lorcan O´Neill , Ex Elettrofonica, Marie Laure Fleish and Sales are also interesting. For more classical art the references are Valentina Bonomo, Alessandra Bonomo and Gagosian. Free press reviews are also a good way to be informed: the best are Mousse (based in Milano) , Cura, Artribune and Exibart, all based in Rome : Artribune and Exibart are also the best art website in Italy. Last but not least, the academies: the most active are the French Academy (Villa Medici), German Academy (Villa Massimo) and the American Academy .

December 2014

Ludovico Pratesi, Roman art critic and curator (e.g. Shifting Identities —modern art exhibition of Finnish and Estonian art in MACRO Testaccio art museum 20 May — 14 September 2014, sponsored by Väinö Tanner Foundation